Analytics Oversight



You never really think about what happens after you create a website or social platform for your business. You just set it and forget it, and move on trying to drive traffic to your site and gain more customers. When starting a business, no one ever really thinks about the website and social analytics that help you gain insight into how productive and engaging your sites are.

Major companies hire webmasters, and invest in developers and software to collect the pertinent information necessary to analyze just how well their websites and social platforms are doing. Small businesses, business startups, and first time entreprenuers don’t really think about this aspect of business or marketing. How important are analytics to your business operations?

Take into consideration: If you don’t know how well or how poorly your website or social media platforms are performing, you really have no idea what to do to improve your conversion rates. Your conversion rates are defined by the percentage of users who take a desired interest in interacting with the content you post on your website and social platforms.

There are multiple tools and opportunities to learn how to improve conversion rates based on the data you collect and analyze for that purpose. Neil Patel is a gentleman I randomly found online one day while doing my own research based on my personal conversion analytics. Neil has a blog filled with a plethora of information and resources that not only help you build traffic and gain more sales but, the information actually works and a lot of it’s FREE!

I’ve attended a handful of Neil’s free webinars, and you really don’t have to sign up for anything if you don’t want to. But he shares so much information within these webinars that you can take away from and gain more insight into traffic building, higher conversion rates, more sales and so much more.

Google, Bing and other search engine providers such as Yahoo and DuckDuck Go have web master resources you can sign up for and they’re free. You use these resources for data collection on your verified sites. With this information you can learn what it takes to build a strong audience engagement for your web traffic. Which also brings in more sales!

A key element to strengthening those numbers in audience engagement byway of understanding your analytics is “customer centric content“. Okay. “Wait”, you say? What is customer centric content? Well basically, customer centric marketing focuses on what your target audience wants to read about or see. Based on what your business focus is, your products, services or brand. Are you engaging your audience with the appropriate conent?

Analytics are a major oversight when starting a business. You start a business, throw up a website, create some social platforms and then expect people to magically appear. Well, it doesn’t quite work that way. You have to invest in yourself and take what you’re doing seriously. You have to research, study, test and apply the theories and information you gain.

Don’t overlook those web analytics! They’re critical to how you build your customer platform and strengthen sales. So, if you just started a business and you’re an entreprenuer looking to enhance your marketing stratgies, just know there are multiple recources out here that can help you. How much are you willing to invest in what you chose to start?

– The sky isn’t the limit because it has no boundaries.


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Published by Lyfe Lessynz

Self-published author of Metamorphosis of a Butterfly: Collaborations of My Mind available directly at Works in progress: Lyfe Lessynz, and Whispers in the Dark. Periodic blogger, inspirational quote writer, self employed business owner, operator and developer of independent artists and business consulting services. Specializing in marketing strategies and Web master tools for SEO and SEM development and management. Social media marketing strategist, Web design and development and Virtual Assistant Services. Contact me and learn more about RREM Business Consulting and the services offered.

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